Sunday, 05 May 2024
The Gambia has unique qualities over many other destinations. The facts are that it is only six hours away from major European destinations, there is no jet lag, and it is a popular and affordable all year round destination attracting tourists in search of sun, sea, sand and cultural experience of which this unique country has plenty.
Location: West Africa – The smallest country on mainland Africa
Area: 11,295 (4361 Sq. Miles.)
Capital: Banjul 
Currency:   Dalasi (GMD) Pronounced (DA-LA-SI) 
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 
Climate: Pleasant sub-tropical climate with two distinct seasons:

Dry savannah winds November to May (Harmattan) and (heavy showers) wet, and lusciously green from June-October.
Average Mid-day: Temperatures about 27o C (80o F) (with a cooling light breeze).
Night Time Temperatures: Considerably cooler, between 10o C-16o C (50o- 60o F).
Population: 1.7 million
Ethnic Diversity: Official Language: English Other Languages: Mandinka, Wollof, Fula, Jola, Sarahule, Serere, Manjago, Cerole (Aku or pigeon English). Foreign languages are taught in some secondary and high schools. Some of the staff in hotels, restaurants and excursion agencies speak other European languages such as German, Italian, Dutch, French and Scandinavian languages.
Religious Tolerance: The Gambia is one of the most religiously tolerant nation in the world. Most people are inter-related, regardless of their religious backgrounds. It is not uncommon to find Muslims and Christians in wedlock, or closely connected. In fact, in many instances it is the norm. Religious days and feasts are celebrated nationally. This has been since time immemorial, and still continues today.
Religious Diversity: Islam: 85 % of the population Christianity and Other African Traditional beliefs (ATB): 15%
Vibrant Economy: Agriculture is the backbone of the Economy closely followed by Tourism. There are also light manufacturing industries.